Allergy Test

Mediland diagnostic provide hassle-free allergy tests using conventional methods. Allergy is the hypersensitivity to any allergic compound which results in symptoms, which may comprise of food, pollens of trees & shrubs fungi, animal dander, insects’ dust, etc. Which are present in our atmosphere

What is an Allergy?

Allergy is the hypersensitivity to any allergic compound which results in symptoms, which may comprise of food, pollens from plants and shrubs, fungi and animal dander, insects’ dust, etc. present in our atmosphere. Mediland Diagnostic will find out for you the allergen causing you allergy.

What symptoms arise of allergic disorder?

Frequent symptoms of respiratory distress, shortness of breath, recurrent cough & cold, severe sneezing, watery running nose, urticaria, redness of eyes, gastro-intestinal discomfort, etc may arise from allergic disorder. Mediland will surely present to you the causes for these symptoms.

What are the modalities of diagnosis?

For the diagnosis of allergy nowadays there are two types of testing available

  1. In-Vitro Testing
  2. In-Vivo Testing

The in-vitro testing is done by serum/blood and the test is done by Elise /cilia/ RAST method and none of the allergens are of Indian origin as these testing chemicals/kits have to be imported and, in the In-vitro testing modified skin prick is done with lancets and the results are interpreted by the allergy specialist.

How much time is required for skin-prick testing?

It requires about 30 – 40 minutes for a patient to undergo the allergy test by modified prick method were in 144 allergens

What is the drawback of the serum allergy tested?

As discussed earlier that the serum allergy testing is done by C.L.I.A/ELISA/RAST etc. Methods none of the reagents are of Indian origin and are imported from western countries which are of cold temperament and allergic disorder is a local environmental problem wherein local airborne allergens are responsible to the extent of 80% and thus the serum allergy testing as the skin prick testing is only based for allergen extract immunotherapy treatment procedure.

What are Aero Allergens?

Aero allergens are those allergens which enter our body while inhaling air through nostrils during the respiratory procedure, which is present in our atmosphere like pollens, fungi, dust, mites, etc.

What are the treatment procedures?

Generally the clinicians treat their patients with anti-allergic, anti-histamines, bronchodilators and of course sometimes with steroids, in this treatments the patient get relief till the medicine works and become symptomatic as soon as the medication is withdrawn but so far allergy is concerned we do allergen immunotherapy with allergen extracts which desensitize the air be one allergen giving full relief to the patient.

Is the treatment safe? Are there any side effects?

Yes, the treatment is safe and has no side effects. W.H.O (World Health Organization) has also given guidelines of safety & efficacy of such immunotherapy.

What is the procedure of administration of immunotherapy vaccines?

We do sub-lingual immunotherapy which is in the form of oral drops which are to be taken under the Tongue. No injections are incorporated during this process.